Smart home automation is an extremely convenient system that allows you to control many aspects of your house through your phone or computer. It can also help you and your family stay safe. Here are four ways a smart home automation system can increase your home security:
1. Prevent the need for hidden keys.
If you frequently have visitors over to your house, you may be in the habit of leaving a key hidden under the welcome mat or in another similar location. However, this practice can severely undermine your home security. If you don't want to make copies of your house key for everyone you know, you'll be glad to know there's another option. Smart home automation systems are highly compatible with programmable electronic locks. Simply program a secret code into your lock, which you can share with trusted visitors. This method of home security is much safer than hiding spare keys outside your home.
2. Allow remote control of lights.
Burglars and vandals usually target houses that are empty and unmonitored. Criminals often wait to strike until the occupants of a home leave the premises. This means your house is especially vulnerable whenever you go on vacation or stay out late. A smart home automation system can help you maintain the illusion of an occupied house, even when you're not present. Use your smart home system to control the lights in your home using your phone. If you don't think you'll remember to turn the lights on while you're on vacation, you can pre-program your home system to turn the lights on and off at specific times.
3. Provide remote access to live video feeds.
You can't be home 24/7. When you're out of the house, you can maintain your peace of mind by monitoring a remote video feed. Smart home automation systems are compatible with video cameras. Simply install the video cameras of your choice and connect them to your smart home system app. By using the app on your mobile phone or computer, you'll be able to monitor your house in real-time, no matter where you are. This feature is especially helpful for parents who sometimes have to leave their pets or kids home alone.
4. Automatically call for assistance.
A smart home automation system can function as an effective deterrent. However, there may still come a time when you need assistance from the authorities. A smart home system can be programmed to automatically call for assistance in the event of an emergency. If a security breach is detected, an alarm will sound, and a call will be placed to your local police department. Smart home systems that are integrated with your smoke alarms can call the fire department if smoke is detected. Prompt assistance can save lives and help you protect your property.